
Showing posts from December, 2023

Genre Research- Our Decision

  Hey guys welcome back to our blog, for today's blog we will be making our decision for which genre we will be using for our opening sequence.     •    Genre(Thriller)- After researching the thriller genre, we can say that this is a great genre for our film sequence. We can take the suspenseful, scary route for our pitch but there are a few problems with this. The first issue is that it would be hard conducting such a film with our pitch. Our pitch deals with the empty hole in a characters heart and his will to fight to fill that void, literally. It would be difficult to make a thriller film with this pitch. Although this could very well be done, it would seem odd and unfit.     •    Genre(Comedy)- Comedy, this is such a magnificent genre as it brings happiness and laughter to the lives of the audience watching it. For our film making a comedy is a great route to take. We can easily make a parody betwe...

Genre Research- Action

  Camera Angles, Movements, Shots     •    Establishing Shot- This shot is used in action films to captivate where the story is taking place so they can get straight to the action.     •    Close up- This shot is used to typically emphasize a quick death in action films. In opening sequences for action films, movies usually start with a lot of action, so close-ups are usually the last shot used to emphasize the action taking place.     •    Tracking shots- In action films there is always, something significant that happens in the opening sequence to establish the action. Tracking shots are used to capture all of the high speed action taking place.     •    High angle- This is used to establish the character who is out of power     •    Low angle- Used to show who has the power in the a...

Genre Research- Comedy

  Camera angles, Shots, and movement-    Medium shots, over the shoulder shots, two shots, close ups, and long shots are all common camera angles in comedy. All of these camera angles contribute to the success of comedies. A happy and uplifting music, brighter lighting to represent the comic part of the film (making it happier). Mis-En-Scene Clothes in comedy films consisting of brighter colors and vibrancy, and props in comedy films are generally wacky, amusing, or stupid are all common Mise En Scene utilized in comedy films. Props usually include funny gadgets or things to humiliate the characters in a way that it's fun. Actors play a crucial part in comedy films because without them there would be no development and nothing funny. Editing     In comedy films, editing techniques include having precise scene timing, editing as though the sequence was not filmed on one camera (using separate clips from numerous cameras for the same scene), Cuts, a...

Genre Research- Thriller

  Genre Research: Thriller     •    Close-up- may be used when your attention is intentionally directed to the character's face and at times what is behind them.     •    Extreme close-up- used as a powerful way to convey the emotion that the subject is feeling. They are used in thrillers to allow the audience to get a clear understanding of the emotions the character is going through. Used mostly to convey fear, pain, and sadness in thrillers.     •    Low angle-to show the power struggles of characters throughout intense scenes.     •    High Angle- to show the power struggles of characters throughout intense scenes.     •      Costumes are more often than not very simple and plain. Muted colors are usually used to not take away from what is actually happening in the movi...

Our Pitch!

Pitch 1: Two 16 year old boy's try psychedelic drugs after they get bored at their hangout, and go on an adventure beyond their wildest dreams.  Pitch 2: A man get's burned from his daily cup of joe and notices something unusual.  For pitch one we came up with the idea of two brothers, Jake and Trey who have been dealing with depression after their mother passing away, and one day someone offers them drugs one (acid drug) day and they buy them. They then realize that their plans for college don't seem bright and they need to make a living. They decide to create their own business, selling drugs. What happens next is up for grabs. We like this pitch because there is a lot we cans do with it. This is an easy pitch where we can put a lot into the story. Additionally, we can challenge the conventions of drug abuse in the world and spread a positive message. This also opens up many endings, and you all will have to wait to see what we come up with!  For pitch two we came up wi...

New Year, New Group

New year, new group! Last year in AS level, I was in a group with two other girls. However, this year things have changed. One of my former groupmates is not taking her media studies career any further than AS. My other past groupmate has decided to be in a separate group this year. So, that leaves me all alone. But don't worry! My completely new group this year for my final task consists of me and my two other friends, Hunter and Kaz! I am still looking forward to working on and completing this new project throughout the year. I know myself better than anyone else, and Kaz and Hunter are both very hard-working people; so this project should go by pretty smoothly. I know my own abilities and what kind of worker I am. So, I will be I am willing to be partially responsible for deciding how this project pans out. I am excited to not have to rely on the same people to complete a blog or edit any scenes. This should be a very fresh start! Last year, in my old group, I was mainly respons...

Is This Thing On...I'M BACK!

Hello! Welcome back to my blog! My name is Noura Attah, and I am a student at Fort Lauderdale High School. I enjoy playing lacrosse, drawing, reading, and participating in theater. My interest in theater is what initially sparked by interest in Media Studies. Hence, why I am thrilled to be in Media Studies this year because I have always wanted to participate in filmmaking and try directing media. I also consider myself to be very artsy and creative. So, I am already beginning to subconsciously analyze films I watch now after having spent just some time in this class. I am looking forward to using such artistic abilities for something different that I have never done before. I am also curious to see how my talents will be depicted in this project, and hope I am able to get all my ideas across well. It has been a whole summer break since I last posted. It feels so good to be back.  Last school year I had so much fun in AS level media studies. Thankfully, I passed the exam with a B a...