
Showing posts from October, 2022

Creative Critical Reflection

  1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?   The product uses the conventions of a stereotypical sports drink commercial . The subjects in it are wearing athletic attire, there is energetic intense music incorporated and the main goal is to motivate the viewers. It represents the social group of athletes and jocks, who use Celsius to stay active in their sport.     2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?   My product engages with audiences b y having ads on social media and on billboards that draw in the social groups interested in it . As a real media text, my commercial would be distributed on social media, or on television as a 30-second commercial in between the clips of a show .   3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?   My production skills started out rough because I did not know how to exp...

The Commercial

My partner and I are very proud of our finished commercial ! W e came into this project with little to no experience in filming at all. So, this experience was different than anything we’d ever done before, but it was still very fun! We had an especially great time editing the footage to make it look like a real commercial. Grab a Celsius and enjoy!  

Production Blog: Finishing Touches

 After we finished production, we started the editing process. I did most of it and my partner gave me lots of feedback. I started by putting all the clips into "iMovie" and placing them in the right order. It took me a little while to decide whether to put the fifth clip before or after the sixth, but eventually I figured out. The next challenge I faced while editing was choosing the score for the different scenes. For the scenes with the first subject, the mood had to be somber and low-energy. I could not choose between "The Blackest Day" by  Lana Del Ray and "Asleep" by the Smiths. I ended up going with the latter because I felt that it fit better. For the clips with the second subject, the energy had to be up and have a motivating, loud score. It took me a while to find a song to fit the mood for these scenes. I eventually settled on "Me and Your Mama" by Childish Gambino. After I chose the music, I had to decide when I wanted it to fade or b...

Production Blog: We Did It!

 On Saturday, the 8th, me and my partner went to lacrosse practice and planned to film once it was over. We realized this was the last opportunity we had to film if we wanted to finish on time. So, we decided which of our teammates would be in the commercial and told them their roles. During this process, we realized that we did not have the actual product. Our product, being a Celsius can, is fairly easy to find at any convenience store. Fortunately, the field we were practicing at happened to be right by a Walgreens. We walked to the Walgreens and then ended up having to walk to a Publix as well since the Walgreens didn't have the product. This took around 40 minutes off of our filming time. Such a loss in time brought up the concern that it could get too dark, and we would no longer be able to film. However, the sun set later than expected and we did not have to rush the production after all.  Once the filming started, the entire process came easy. A small portion of the co...

Production Blog: No field, No Time

 On Saturday, October 3rd, my partner and I were planning on filming at our lacrosse practice. The people playing our subjects in the commercial didn't get there until practice had already started. So, we could not film before practice began. We decided to  try and film after practice ended. However, we did not consider how late it would be once training ended. Due to this lack of consideration, it was too dark to film that day and we chose to film on the 5th instead. On the 5th, my partner was unable to come to lacrosse practice because she had a concert to go to. We had known this for a while and came to an agreement that I would plan and shoot a couple scenes in her absence. We also agreed that she would help edit the shots I got after her concert was over. This made it so we could both contribute to the production even if we were not together for some of the process. Unfortunately, October 5th is a holiday this year and our practice got cancelled on short notice. We e...

Storyboard Blog

  F ir st scene-   In this scene we will pan out from the trunk of a car onto our 1 st subject , where she will grab her lacrosse gear . She is sad and low energy as she walks towards the field for practice. This scene will be a medium shot tracking the subject . The background sound is quiet and boring.   Second scene-   The next scene consists of our second subject very energetically taking shots at the goal. It is a long shot, showing her entire body to emphasize how active she is being. This will all be shot on a football field in athletic clothing to show she is playing a sport. Loud music plays while she is in frame .   Third scene-   During this scene the camera cuts back to the 1 st subject, upset and lazily putting on her lacrosse gear. The quiet sound is back, and it is a long shot.   Fourth scene-   In the fourth scene the 1 st subject is approached by the 2 nd subject. The second subject has a Celsius in her hand and passes i...