Busy as Bees!
Last Saturday, my group and I planned to begin filming. However, Macy was out of town, so we had to postpone the start of filming to this weekend. I am hoping to be able to work on production during Spring Break as well (which starts in two weeks). So, I have been working on clearing my schedule to better fit production days, like the one last Saturday. Both my groupmates have also been making these adjustments. However, things have been seeming to keep getting in our way recently! For example, this weekend might not work for filming after all. Sam's family is gone for the weekend so it will be difficult for her to find transportation to Macy's house where we will be filming most of our scenes. Also, Macy is going to a festival on Sunday, and will not be back at her house until it is too dark to film some of our final task. Whereas I would not be able to film this Saturday anyways, because I have to dog-sit at around the time we would be filming.
In the future, I think we can avoid these conflicts by doing a few different things. First, we can remind each other of scheduled production dates. A lot of the time, I am so busy that I forget days that are already planned to be dedicated to filming. Because of this, I will plan over such days. In other words, I will schedule other events that clash with my production schedule. If I remind myself using a calendar, or my groupmates, this can happen less, and we can have more days to film. Also, I think my group and I should always check the weather before a filming day. Since we live in Florida, the weather can change in an instant. So, we should be consistently checking it before we film. By doing this, we will lessen the risk of having to cancel production days due to rain or other bad weather conditions (which happens much too often).
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