Making Preparations

    My group and I have been working towards filming days. During this week, we plan on having time to film at Macy's house. Macy has been out of town for this past week. Because of this, we could not use her house to film. So, instead Sam and I filmed a few scenes at my house. The scenes we filmed were all scenes that did not require any wide/ establishing shots. This is because we still plan to use Macy's house once she is available. If we switched between two different houses in our final project, it would be confusing to the viewers. So, we only filmed scenes of objects that could be in anyone's house. For example, we were able to film the popcorn scene. This is because this scene is just a bag of popcorn in a microwave. So, we didn't need a particular house to film it.

    During this week, my group and I are planning to get other work done before more filming. This work includes getting clothing items and objects for costumes. Also, getting materials for possible props. We will most likely go to Target to find such items. We took inspiration and followed the typical conventions of a 90's thriller film. So, we are going to try to recreate some outfits from the films we researched. Although we won't be recreating these outfits exactly, we are going to try to find pajamas that look like they would be worn in such films. Then, we will find some props. The main prop we will be looking for is a retro speaker/ radio to use in the dancing scene in our film.


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