Hello March, Hello Edits!

 Well, hello there! Once again, welcome back to my blog. As you know, I have been documenting my short film journey from pitch to production. But today is a rather important blog. The topic for today is...drum roll please...editing! In my opinion, editing is the most important part of making films and media like them. Without editing, no movies would make sense. And especially without GOOD editing.

So, as the designated editor for my group, I wanted to get everything perfect. 

The first step I took to achieve this was putting all the footage in order. There were several times during filming that I had to reshoot a scene or take. This would happen often. Because it happened so often, I eventually stopped deleting every old clip. This resulted in a buildup of many clips that had bloopers/ mistakes in them that I knew would not make the movie. So, as the editor, I deleted all of these clips from the library. 

Then, I began trimming and adding transitions to the clips to make the transition between each plot point more seamless. This included adding "morphing" transitions. I also sped up certain clips in order not to exceed the 5-minute limit. Lastly, I added text with a bold font and a "glow" effect, to the beginning sequence. I created this sequence using some clips from throughout the film (my favorite ones) to make a montage. I then added music and audio over the clips that I found on Tiktok and Apple music. I made sure that this music had no copyright before I selected it (I will be going more in-depth about the music selection process in my next blog *wink wink*). I put all of this together with the text, and the intro was complete! 

The finished product came out great! Me and my group like it a lot and I think it fits our genre of comedy very well. To me, it's pretty perfect, but that's just my opinion!
