
My Critical Reflection

Following the completion of my short film project, several topics can be reflected on. From the birth of the film pitch to the last shooting, this project progressed from a mere idea, to a complete composition. Through extensive research on social issues, conventions, advertising and branding, the finished product evolved to be media that shows growth.             The theme/moral of my film was heavily influenced by my prior research. By the end of the film, a resolution is reached that suggests that drugs are harmful and should not be used by teenagers, even if just for “harmless fun”. The protagonists in the film learn this lesson after extreme misuse of recreational drugs throughout the film, before the eventual climax of the death of a friend. The social issue of drug and substance abuse is represented by the depiction of this plot point in the film. As a teenager, this social issue is one of the most prominent issues for my age group. As of January 2024, 8.33% of 12-17 year-olds

OVERDON'T: Our Short Film

  After months of anticipation, "OVERDON'T" the short film, is done and ready to watch! My group and I want to thank AICE and Cambridge for allowing us to create this project. I learned so much throughout this process, and gained knowledge I will never forget. Thank you and enjoy!! Our Website: Our Postcard and Social Media: 

The End of an Era

 Hello again! Welcome back to the very last blog I will make pertaining to the production process for this short film. It has been quite the journey! I'm glad you have been with me along this ride. Today, I will be discussing the process of choosing the audio, music, and scoring for the film.  Selecting the score for any film is an integral process. Without a good score, the feel of the movie could be all wrong! This could cause the audience to not receive the full or correct message that the director is trying to get across. So, knowing how important music is to a film, I took this process very seriously.  First, I added specific sound FX to certain scenes. For example, there is a scene when the protagonists are searching for a hidden object. Once they find the object, I added a sound effect of an angelic choir singing. This added a comedic effect. It also makes the film more dramatic, which is even funnier. This all ties in to the genre of comedy that me and my group tried to ach

Hello March, Hello Edits!

 Well, hello there! Once again, welcome back to my blog. As you know, I have been documenting my short film journey from pitch to production. But today is a rather important blog. The topic for today is...drum roll please...editing! In my opinion, editing is the most important part of making films and media like them. Without editing, no movies would make sense. And especially without GOOD editing. So, as the designated editor for my group, I wanted to get everything perfect.  The first step I took to achieve this was putting all the footage in order. There were several times during filming that I had to reshoot a scene or take. This would happen often. Because it happened so often, I eventually stopped deleting every old clip. This resulted in a buildup of many clips that had bloopers/ mistakes in them that I knew would not make the movie. So, as the editor, I deleted all of these clips from the library.  Then, I began trimming and adding transitions to the clips to make the transitio

That's a wrap!

It's me again! Welcome back to my blog. Thanks for sticking around for so long! It has been quite the process. But as February comes to an end, so has my production journey. After quite the filming process, my group and I have completely finished filming all the scenes for our film! My groupmates and I have grown to be much closer than we were before we started this project. The writing and production process have made us all much better friends than we were before we began! That being said, today, my group and I fully completed the production process. With this milestone, we decided to go over and reshoot some scenes we shot prior. We thought that this would be necessary to make sure our film was clean and had no careless mistakes. Such mistakes would make our final film look messier than it should. So, to avoid this, we reshot some of our indoor scenes.  We reshot the take with Hunter and Kaz in Hunter's room playing video games. The take that we had didn't have a clear s

Out on the Town

 Hello again! It's Noura, your favorite media blogger! I have very good news on the progress of my short film. Me and my group mates have just about finished the movie! We were able to film several more scenes for the film. This took us many different takes and shots. What can I say, we wanted to get them just right! I have been directing the film since we started filming. So, most of the filming choices were my responsibility. This was a lot of pressure, but it was not bad once I got the hang of it. So, my group and I were able to complete multiple other scenes. First, we went over the storyboard. We did this so that we were sure of the order that scenes have to be shot in. Occasionally, we would mess up the order, but we knew we could fix it once the editing process began. The first scene that we had not yet filmed was the beach scene. In our movie, the main characters (played by Hunter and Kaz) go to the beach in search of a party. So, once we were done filming the indoor scenes

We're Almost There!

 Welcome to another blog of mine! My group I have been working very hard to finish production for our film. The last time we filmed, we got to finish some outdoor scenes. This time, we filmed a lot more outdoor scenes. But, there were still plenty of roadblocks in the way.  The biggest roadblock I had to face was getting to Hunter, my groupmate's, house to film. My house is currently under extreme renovation. A few days ago some workers came to my house to remove the popcorn ceilings. The workers said they have to scrape the ceilings fresh, and then re-paint. This whole process takes several days. It is also a very messy process. Because of this, it has been very hectic in my house. My family and I have to move into a hotel temporarily until the work is done. So, for these reasons it was really hard to find a ride to get to Hunter's house to film that day. However, eventually, I was able to get a ride from my mom. This delay in me getting to Hunter's house, really cost my g